Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Great Biblical Historical Fiction About Women

Francine Rivers chronicles the lives of five unlikely women in the lineage of Christ. Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary were all women whose lives were tainted according to human understanding, yet God chose them to be a part of his plan of redemption. See their familiar stories through new eyes as this award-winning author brings their stories to life.

Unveiled, the first book in this series, brings Tamar, daughter-in-law of Judah, to life. Even though she was sinned against and sinned herself, using her wits to trick Judah into sleeping with her, God chose to use her shame to bless her and to show grace and forgiveness to all! Tamar was the mother of Perez, and among his descendants was Boaz, the great-grandfather of King David. Her story assures us that no person or action is beyond the reach of God's mercy! You may read her story in Genesis 38, and find her
name in the kingly lineage of Jesus in Matthew 1.

Unashamed, the second book in this series, acquaints us with Rahab, the prostitute who hid the Hebrews spies in Jericho and tied a scarlet thread in her window when Jericho was destroyed by God. She was scorned and abused by those around her. Yet her faith in the God of the Israelites saved the spies, her life, and the lives of her family. God not only spared her, he gave her an honored position as the wife of one of the spies, mother of an ancestor of King David, and ultimately, a place in the lineage of Jesus. God doesn't ask us to change before he uses us rather,the changes us as he uses us for his glory and our good! You may read more about Rahab in Joshua 2 and 6, and in Matthew 1.

Unshaken is the third book in this series. "Your God will be my God." It is with these words that Ruth the Moabitess turns her face away from her father's home and idols, and journey to Bethelem with Naomi, her mother-in-law. And it is because of that determination that perseverance, faith, and loyalty that Ruth becomes the great-grandmother of David, king of Israel, and an ancestor of Jesus. What can we learn from Ruth? Using the facts of Scripture, Francine Rivers paints a picture of a remarkable woman - a woman who knew that God would lovingly provide for her, even when everything around her looked hopeless, and that the gifts from his hand are always more than we could ever ask for or think about.

Unspoken is the foruth book in this series. Bathsheba, a name that to many, means seduciton and sin, a name to remain unspoken! But, God called Bathsheba his own, worthy of legacy of his Son. Who was this woman who so entranced David the King that he sinned greatly for her? And, who was this woman who gave birth to Solomon, wise king of Israel? Francine Rivers, with her hallmark touches of brilliant prose and gripping characterizations, tells Bathsheba's story in a way you've never heard before. Remaining true to the facts given in Scripture, Bathsheba is brought to life, to speak to us in new and life-changing ways. This is her story, a journey from innocence to despair, and on to hope in the God who restored her.

Unafraid is the fifth book in this series, and in it we meet Mary, the mother of Jesus. What did she think when Gabriel appeared to her with the message that would change the world? What went through her mind as she gave birth to, and raised Jesus? We know from Scripture that she was humble and obedient to God's call, even though she knew that the challenge was impossible, apart from God's help and strength. In Unafraid, we're given a glimpse of what it might have been like to be the mother of the long-awaited Messiah, and the growing understanding of what God's promise of deliverance means for all mankind.
