Thursday, June 06, 2013

One Of The Most Enjoyable Blogging Assignments That I've Had In A While :)

When I finished reading "Is That All He Thinks About?: How To Enjoy Great Sex With Your Husband" by Marla Taviano (@MarlaTaviano) I spent a day wondering, "Now, what will I share?" I thought about the typical review-style blog entry but I wasn't satisfied with that. You see, the topic of sex requires more. Since Marla, graciously wrote from transparency, I thought I'd follow suite.
Well, from the beginning Marla "read my mail." By the end of the first two chapters, she had PREACHED!!! and all I could do is repent and say "Yes, Lord..."  After making such a strong case, the rest of the book was supplementary, filled with tips, suggestions and insight on various marital situations.

I LOVED the way Marla broke down the need for sex from a male's perspective and how a wife is actually the only legal one that can meet a husband's need. The choice is ours: we can serve one another in love and kindness or overlook the very ingredient that God has given us for a intimate, fun and fulfilling marriage. She goes on to show how women can easily be distracted by other matters of life and overlook the solution to many of their marriage woes.

The book also spends time discussing Roadblocks to Great Sex, Orgasms, Understanding What Men Desire, Sex After Children and very practical tips on Relighting The Fire. I actually spent more time reading this book than planned because once I got "into it" I wanted to give the homework assignments all the attention that they needed ;) I got much more out of this book than I had ever planned. I even ended up counseling from it while I was reading it and the friend purchased the book immediately!
So, has my transparency intrigued you enough to want to go out and purchase the book? If so, well I have done my job. Kudos to Marla Taviano!!! Be sure to check out some of her other great titles, i.e., The Husband's Guide To Getting Lucky and From Blushing bride to Wedded Wife. More info about both can be found at .
I think Marla's husband, Gabe Taviano (@GabeTaviano) endorses it the best: "Buy this book, read it, and do everything Marla says." You can also ask my husband, Joseph Huggins (@j2jhug) his thoughts about the book - I'm sure he will have rave reviews as well :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Taking Your Place: Five Essentials For Those Who Will Shape The Future

Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781590525395
Release: 1.3.2006
Religion - Leadership
When selecting this title to review, I expected it to be a book specifically geared towards a youth leader working with teens. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that "Next Generation Leader" by Andy Stanley is actually a title on the topic of leadership itself.

Five characteristics that mark the man or woman who will shape the future are:


"Next Generation Leader" is a concise and well written book that draws from both Biblical principles and from some of today's top authorities on leadership. Stanley draws from both growing up as the son of a pastor and from his personal experience of leading one of the largest churches in America. I highly recommend "Next Generation Leader" to anyone wanted to make a lasting impact and leave a fruitful legacy.

Chapter 1 can be read here.
