Thursday, August 12, 2010

Notes from "The Snare" - Causes Of Immorality: Vulnerability

Vulnerability: the result of a circumstance, relationship, or change that has left us wounded or weary. Because we are emotionally run down, our defenses are down, our perspective is clouded and we are not able to make judgements based on truth. Everything is seen through an emotional filter and pain is intensified.

When you are vulnerable, a situation that might otherwise be safe may now be unsafe. Situations that cause vulnerability result in some kind of need to evaluate the added risk and to adjust responses accordingly.

Examples of causes of vulnerability: threatened security, the end of a relationship, health problems, stress, burnout

Helping others at the expense of our own health and the well-being of our families is not what God intended. Being desperately weary in spirit and body can contribute to immorality.
After rest, our ability to handle stress in a godly way will be increased.

Recognize your weaknesses. If we recognize we are in a position to be easily attacked, we can be prepared. We can determine to move very cautiously because we know that our judgement is impaired.

The danger with relationships when we are vulnerable is that we may not be able to evaluate them honestly and from a godly perspective.

In finding relief in relationships with other people, we may also short-circuit the Lord's working in our life when He is trying to meet our needs Himself.

Hurt takes time to heal. In trying to shorten that time, we may simply put a Band-Aid on a severe wound and say it is healed. One bad situation covered over by an ungodly relationship will only result in more pain than the first situation ever produced.

Our self worth is not based on our job. We must build up our relationship with the Lord to regain perspective of worth based on that relationship.

Time is probably the best remedy for the healing of damaged emotions. Waiting, focusing on other things, and trusting that the Lord will take care of future hopes is much safer than looking at a new person to take the pain away.

If you are in a vulnerable situation:
*Determine to live by biblical standards no matter how tough the situation gets.

*Look for rationalization in your thinking. Don't allow yourself to rationalize ungodly behavior for any reason.

*Move slowly and cautiously in making any decisions. Seek counsel from trusted friends who are committed Christians walking closely with the Lord.

*Maintain the basics: Stay in the Word, have quiet times, pray, and be in the fellowship of believers who are walking with the Lord.

*Do not take even a small step in the direction of a relationship that may lead to ungodly behavior.

*Pray for protection, discernment, & rest. Draw close to the Lord in ways that allow you to begin to feel His presence. Abide, read, talk to Him. Determine to point your focus toward Jesus!

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